Name: Espio Krall
abilities: ???
weakness: ???

I don't know how good of an idea this is... but i said i have to document every supernatural phenomena I come across. It only makes sense I should have my own file too.

I messed up bad today. the Grotesque machine got me under a thrall which YEAH it happens i GUESS. but for some reason I thought it was fine. "Supernatural doesn't mean EVIL. I'm supernatural and i'm not bad". that's what i was thinking...

we tracked down the programmer who worked with striker, Scotty Spear using my powers. When we got to the woods I was able to see this like, past vision of him in the woods and I just. I don't know I saw his face and i knew. i felt like I knew.
And then I got angry. like. REALLY angry. I was so sure that he put this curse on me and all these people and he had to answer for it. I mean, I've had times where I got too mad or frustrated and had a meltdown but it was never like a mission.

I blew a hole in the fence of this old man. and his house. I Mean, i didn't MEAN to do the second one, I just wanted to open the window but everything just Exploded. Then I had a gun pointed at me. he wouldn't speak to me, he said he didn't answer monsters
I guess I am supernaturally aligned or whatever now, I mean, I can do magic! But I know a lot of people who can do magic and they're just... Humans that can do magic!! That's what i am too, right!? Lizzie backed me up and said I was human but "what else".. He wasnt even close to being the bad guy. He was a victim too. someone I should have been trying to protect.

Miles had to try and tackle me in wolf form when I pushed Lizzie and ran to break into Scotty's house (and i have claw marks now to remember that...). When Lizzie saved our asses and calmed him down she said that they could find a rope and tie me up if it made him feel better... Am I the kind of thing you have trap and tie up...

I'm trying to figure out whats going on for real now. I don't feel like it's just "You'd be good at magic!" Ru said some other weird things and I need to know the truth.