Name: the Divine
Abilities: Varies from god to god. General abilities of teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, divine blast, ???
Weakness: Demonic blood, warding spells, exorcism divine-killing weapon
The craziest thing happened yesterday. I still can't believe it happened to ME. I mean, in all the years I've wrote this blog ive only been able to report on the supernatural encounters other people have had. truth be told i was starting to wonder if I would EVER get to see anything myself.
Okay I actually don't know if I can (or should?) call this supernatural. And it kind of feels totally WEIRD to be saying this at all. but I met a God yesterday. Well, they're also my roommate now too.
LISTEN i know that sounds crazy coming from me! I was expecting my first Real encounter to be with the divine instead of a cryptid or ghost or something. and to be honest I was also expecting to get in trooouble for not going to church for the last uh.... forever ago.
but i did not get struck down Ha Ha
The God I met is named Herma and they said that theyre the divine spirit of Truth and Justice. Turns out the "demonic summoning ritual" I found on reddit was actually one to summon angels and shit. huh! Herma came down in some holy light or whatever and said they had a divine mission to complete, they had to help a human or something so I guess... I have a God helping me on my quest to document the supernatural. WOW
I guess now that we're helping each other out they needed a place to crash, so now my couch is occupied. Not that they sleep on it. They mostly just stay up and watch TV...
Me of all people... Who would have thought I would be good enough to help out with a divine quest.. I'm going to do everything I can to be good enough.
I'm so stupid. I don't know why i thought i could do something better.. or deserved it...
we saved Juno's nephew from the ocean god Scylas. Herma and I went home that night. When I woke up they were gone. I could feel it before I even got out of bed. That link was just gone. There was this constant hum or weight at the back of my head. I almost forget what it felt like not to have it until it wasn't there anymore... They were all mixed in my head. shouldn't they have know how it would make me feel to leave like this?
I found them in the woods where we met. Well, they chose to appear. I don't know why I thought i could have any control of how these things happen when it comes to this god shit. im just some fucking kid again in church. They told me my spell wasnt what i thought it was OR what they told me it was. It was just some useless bullshit. I didn't do anything special they just CHOSE to fuck with my life because i was there.
i thought we were starting to really get to know each other.. I thought they could trust me but the moment I finally learn something about them and want to help they drop me!!! I'm fucking over all of this!